
Important Theories of International Relations

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International relations theories (IR) are the study of international relations from the theoretical point of view, and they attempt to provide a conceptual framework that helps to determine how the problem is minimized. In the same way, the current study helps to understand International Relation Theories such as social constructivism, postmodernism, postcolonialism, green perspectives, and feminism, which helps to analyse why the migration crisis in Mexico became a United States political problem. Therefore, the report will compare two IR theories, i.e., postcolonialism theory and feminist theory, in order to justify the migration crisis in Mexico.


Describing Why the Migration Crisis in Mexico Becomes United States Political Problems

As per the view of Benmayor and Skotnes (2017), migration has become one of the political issues in many countries, and it is mostly because when people move from one state to another, they bring culture with them, and as a result, it also influences the country's culture, and that is why most of the countries restricted migration.  But as per the research, it has been analysed that more than a million US citizens are living in Mexico, and that is why it is considered the largest source of immigrants, while on the other side, illegal migration with illegal trade in drugs is a cause of difference between two governments, and as a result, it has become a major political issue for the US. In 2005, more than lacs of people were deported in Mexico, and it has strict laws that pertain to both illegal and legal migrants, but the government restricts their participation in political affairs. The reason for leaving the country is due to high competition, social services, negative environmental impact, increased crime rates, and a sudden change in traditional identities.

Postcolonialism as an international relations theory examines how societies, governments, and people in inhabited regions experience international relations. Thus, the theory not only helps to understand the world but is also concerned with disparities in global power. Thus, the theory also helps to understand the reason for leaving one country and shifting towards another and analyzes that job availability in the US is considered the main reason for short-term immigration, and as a result, it increases the population. On the other side, this theory also relies on economic factors that force the people of Mexico to leave and shift to the US (Smith, 2017). On the contrary, it is critically analysed through the feminist theory of international relations, which challenges women's absence from traditional IR theory. The theory also suggests that there is a need to adopt radical changes that are necessary to respond to the problem. Further, the economic condition of Mexico is not strong, and unemployment is also low, which is why most of the people leave Mexico and shit in the US. Earlier, the unemployment rate of the country was good, but when people started migrating and leaving Mexico, as a result, it decreased wages and also affected the overall economic condition of the country as well (O'Reilly and Benson, 2015). Feminist theory also involves looking at how international politics would affect both men and women in a negative way, especially for war and security purposes.

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Earlier Feminist theory majorly focuses on traditional IR, but many scholars who are related to this theory only focus on how gender shapes the current global political economy, and that is why the theory is working in the area of international political economy.  On the other side, postcolonialism theory has limited scope, especially in state-centric modeling, and does not attempt to form an overarching theory. The theory also helps to provide greater possibilities in normative work, such as identifying the issue for specific problems, cultures, methodologies, and different issues that emerged. Such that the theory also describes the reason why the migration crisis in Mexico has become a major political issue for the United States, such that in Mexico it is a concerning trend where the Mexican government mainly focuses on one of the borders rather than humanitarian protection. Like, custody of immigrants rose up to 71 percent in 2014 (Migration Crisis, 2018).  while on the other side, in 2015, it was deported to more than lacs. At the same time, the Mexican government also reported that only 24 percent of applications were approved. Thus, the postcolonial theory of international relations helps to understand that not focusing on humanitarian protection causes a major political issue in the US.

On the contrary, feminist theory helps to determine human rights, which are based upon the traditional flaws and are also built on typical male life experience, but in the current scenario, there are many women who do not feel comfortable in their house, and on the other side, there are some political and economic rights that provide no justice. Therefore, theory introduces gender as an essential tool that helps to make the interaction between states within an international framework (Segarra and Prasad, 2019). In the context of the migration crisis, which has become a major political issue from 1990 onwards, and that is why the US made a new policy that describes freedom to end all, as a result, it has no long-lasting impact on illegal immigrants.

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On the other side, postcolonial international relations theory demonstrates how Western views highlight the issue of migration within the country, which creates a negative impact on it (Gonzalez, 2015). Such that in 2007, when there was a recession in the US, which also led to increased unemployment in Mexico, and that is why most of the people also shifted towards the US. After the recession, the economy of Mexico also degraded, and there was a rise in unemployment. It is so because the actual performance of the unemployment level depends upon how sluggishly the economy is performing due to less hiring jobs. Thus, it is clearly stated that the impact of higher unemployment, which leads to migration, is not clear because US economic growth also appears to dominate the supply-push efforts of Mexican unemployment. In addition to this, it is further analysed that due to the recession, the actual condition of Mexico falls such that, as a measure, Mexico's main deficiencies are illiteracy, malnutrition, scarcity of physicians, and high-income inequality, which are considered the reasons for migration.

As per the view of Skotnes (2017), the postcolonial theory of international relations theory reflects that American Union law requires the government to let refugees apply for asylum, but the politics of migration demand some sort of limit, and the only way is to resolve that contradiction in order to prevent people from migrating. Thus, the problem is becoming so major, and as a result, the president of the US states that people must simply stop crossing borders and they cannot come into the US illegally. In the same way, the postcolonial theory justifies that due to cultural barriers, it create a negative impact on the country, and as a result, there is a need to stop such migration because it may lead to affecting the overall culture of the US as well (Teichman, 2019). Thus, colonialism fostered a long process, which is the continued domination of the West over a world in which cultural, political, and economic dominance is still characterized as global politics, and that is why this theory justifies global politics for the country.

On the other side, the feminist theory of international relations theory states women's absent from decision-making because when the policy is made, there is no involvement of women (Carrillo, 2018). Moreover, traditional perspectives also ignore gender and not only look at the contribution of women and its impact on global politics. Further theory also states that if women are outside the domain, then their experience and contribution are also not relevant, and as a result, it affects progress in the opposite way. The same occurred in the migration crisis in Mexico, and that is why it became a major political problem in the US.

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By summing up the above report, it has been concluded that the migration crisis in Mexico is considered the biggest problem in the United States because it affects the overall world economy. The report also concluded two theories, such as the postcolonialism international theory, which also highlights the issue of migration. In this theory, it is concluded that global class relations emerge and are also maintained in order to address the problem such that the problem highlights people in Mexico shifting to the US; though it is a legal migration, people bring drugs and different cultures, which affect others as well. On the contrary, it is also concluded by the feminist theory of intentional relation theory, clearly reflects that for some people, the antipathy is racial, and many people are not adjusting to other cultures. Therefore, changes in social hierarchies and demographies may produce the same effect, and as a result, it may affect and be considered a major political problem for the US.

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